100% Pro-Life Rating and Endorsement
from Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life
Minnesota Chamber of Commerce Leadership Political Action Committee
Minnesota Farm Bureau
Minnesota Police & Peace Officers Association
NRA - "A" Rating and Endorsement
SEIU Healthcare State Council
Care Providers of Minnesota
Joe on the Issues
Dear Southwest Minnesota Voters,

It’s been my privilege to serve you in the Minnesota House for 12 years. I humbly ask you for the chance
to go back once again.
I am a Main Street Business Owner—I sell appliances and I clean businesses. I sign the front of the paycheck and feel the inflation, the recession, and high gas prices from customers and team members.
St. Paul needs more people who have a real job outside of the legislature. People who have obligations and can’t drag legislative sessions out.
I work pragmatically and proudly for Southwestern Minnesota. I focus on Health and Human Services, where I currently serve as the Republican leader on the finance committee.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be your voice at the Capitol,
Learn more about where I stand on the issues